What must I know about Flights?
You must arrive into the Cancun International Airport (CUN) on January
21st by 3:00 pm and depart January 19th after 1:00 pm. The
aforementioned welcome signs will be flying and group transportation will
be provided for you to and from the eco village. If you are not arriving in
time to be on those transports, we can help you arrange your own taxi to the
hotel (at your cost).
If you want to come earlier or stay later for some exploring – call Ales
Struna (pronounced Alesh) our travel planner extraordinaire. He can help
you design something fabulous!
Feel free to ring him at +1866.866.5566.
This retreat is limited to 24 participants!
Can I come to DORA independent of your van if I live in Tulum or am
already in Mexico? Yes
What time is Check in?
3:00 pm
Check out?
1:00 pm
Do I need trip insurance?
We STRONGLY recommend it.
How can I book Private Sessions with Judith Anne, Jonti or Leah during
the retreats free time or for after the retreat?
Our concierge will be available to schedule you at the front desk or you may
schedule in advance by contacting us.
What should I wear?
Whatever suits you for time in the tropics. Consider at least one or more
sarongs(Sandals) though.
Tantric ritual allows us to drop into our soul and body, become present to
ourselves and each other, and open up to deeper connection. Attire is a key
element to setting the mood and create sacred space for this ritual! And we
prefer to wear sarongs for these Tantric occasions. Bring your own or
purchase one or more at the retreat.
And hey, if shorts and a t- shirt, a bathing suit and coverup or _____are
more your style, wear those
Why are drugs and alcohol excluded from this retreat?
This is at the insistence of DORA, and we agree. The primal, exotic
surroundings, our sessions and the energies these all bring forth are at their
best and highest with this exclusion. Trust us on this.
Will there be nudity or sex during the retreats group sessions?
There may be partial nudity during massage demonstrations and practice.
There is no sex within the group setting.
Tell me again, what is Tantra and Tantric Sex Myth
Tantra isn’t just a sexual practice.
Tantric techniques include breathing, yoga, and meditation all nourishing
sexual energy. A common myth about tantric practices is that they involve
wild, uninhibited sexual experiences. While tantric techniques can open
you up to new sensations, they are best experienced s-l-o-w-ly in order to
expand orgasm. Curious about this? Click.
Those who practice tantric techniques, or follow the tantric path, have the
overall goal of freeing the soul and expanding consciousness. This can be
done in a number of ways, tantric sex being just one of them.
What if I don’t want to participate in one of more of the tantric practices
Your participation is ALWAYS at your discretion. Non-participation
rarely happens, we will have a lounge area within our shala where you can
retreat and observe. One caveat: we insist you not leave the shala, stay with
us! Our group synergy depends on all being present.
Have another question or two or three even? Schedule a chat here: Schedule a call